Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wow!  Can't believe it's been almost a year since I posted to the blog.

It has been a crazy year with Sarah starting a new school, starting kindergarten, and dealing with my mom's death.

Mother's Day is this weekend.  I remember I spent the day with momma and had lunch with her.  I can't believe a year has gone by.....  Everything around me reminds me of her.  Especially the beautiful flowers growing in my yard, they are hers!  When they started to bloom, I immediately thought of her and her "green thumb".  It's going to be a hard weekend, but with God's strength I will get through this.  Momma is smiling down on us now. Momma I miss you more and more every day!  If I could just hear your sweet voice, one more time.....

We are looking forward to a great summer!  Just wanted to say Hi and I'm back!  Watch out for some pictures this weekend!

1 comment:

Caleb & Emily said...

Love you dear friend!