After the soccer game, they had a party at Coach Chris' house. They handed out awards and had lunch. Wanted to share a
few pictures of the day-
On a side note...Wanted to give you an update on my mom. We have received the news about her recent scan. The cancer is rapidly growing in the liver. They are trying one more chemo drug. (She took drug this past Friday) This drug has been known to go into liver failure at any time. It will take close observation and lots of blood work from her doctors to keep an eye on her. When this does happen Hospice will be called in.
I appreciate all the words of encouragement and lifting up in your prayers. They are felt. My prayer for right now- would be to have as many good days as I can with my mom and be able to enjoy them. Also pray that when the time comes that God gives Karl & I the words to say to Sarah and explain what has happened.
Thank you again, for all the prayers. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends.
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