Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy 30th Birthday Karl!

We celebrated Karl's birthday this past weekend. It was so nice to have all our family come in town and celebrate and even better it was a surprise! It was tough keeping it a surprise but we did it! Enjoy the pictures!

We are so blessed to have such good friends to celebrate life with. It was nice to join "old friends" with "new friends" and have fun!

Sarah loves being with Yia Yia!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Strawberry Festival 2009

This past weekend we went to Plant City for the Strawberry Festival. We have never been. It was a lot of fun. Karl's parents joined us for the 2 hour drive south. A fun time was had by all.

Sarah loves riding the carousel. This time around she did not want to ride on a horse, but she wanted to ride in the carriage. Riding 2 times and $8.00 we had a blast. Here are a few pictures!
At the festival they also had on display the tractors that plow the rows to plant the strawberries. We could not sit on those, but they did have little tractors to sit on and take pictures.

The christian radio station "The Joy FM" was there also for the Third Day concert that night. Bill & Carmen from the morning cruise was there. My favorite and Karl's mom favorite is Carmen. She was so sweet to talk with and get a picture with her.