Sunday, May 17, 2009


Sorry it's been too long since I last posted. We have been busy with everyday life raising a 3 year old. We spent Easter in Jacksonville, went to a Gator baseball game, Karl's brother Mike graduated from University of Florida, and had lots of family visit. Here are just a few pictures to catch up from the past few months.

Sarah is growing up so fast. She is a joy to be around. She loves to be around others, and spend time with her friends. These are some pictures we took when we went to the Gator Baseball game. She loves her friends Evie & Harrison. Sarah loves going to the Gator games, and wearing her gator clothes!

We spent Easter in Jacksonville this year. Here is a family picture on Easter Sunday morning.

Sarah loved her Easter dress. She loves to wear dresses now. When I ask her what she wants to wear, she says a dress. A lot of times, it will be a smocked dress. Thanks Grammy for my wonderful dress!

After lunch on Easter the kids played with their Easter trains and had a Easter Egg Hunt.

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