Well Sarah had her first dentist appointment this past week. We prepared all week for the appointment. We read our Dora visits the dentist book, and talked about it a lot!!! Sarah did great at the appointment. She saw Dr. Setzer, this was Jenny's dentist when she was a little girl! Sarah was so excited to watch television in the waiting room, look at all the pretty fish in the fish tank, watch movies on the ceiling, and wear special earphones. She was a complete angel. Her teeth look great, and had no cavities! Yeah for Sarah!
I only took one picture while at the doctor's office. I did not want to be that crazy woman, taking pictures! As we were leaving, there was another Mom taking pictures of her little girl. I guess I'm not that crazy after all! Besides, you will only be able to experience so many "1sts".
Just a side note- wanted to ask everyone to pray for my mom. She got results this past week from another scan and it does not look good. The cancer has grown, and also is started to spread to more places in the liver and spine. We know God is in control, and he is the healer. Pray for my family as we journey through this time in our life. I am so blessed that we are in Jacksonville now to be able to help with whatever needs to be done. We will update when we know more. She is starting aggressive chemo treatments next week.
Love to you all!