"Daddy & Daugther Talks"
Friday, August 22, 2008
God's Beautiful Creation
"Daddy & Daugther Talks"
The Beach
Sarah & Yia Yia after a fun time at the beach!
Here is a video of Sarah, Ethan & Parker playing at the beach. We think that Sarah & Parker have serious talent! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Sarah at first was scared to feed them, then she really started to enjoy it.
Some of the horses were really hungry. Some of them thought that Sarah was a carrot by the color of her hair. We really had to watch out. It was amazing of how far the horses would stretch their necks to get the carrots!
Sarah decided to have a little snack while she was there at the farm. Instead of giving the horses the carrots, she decided to eat them!
Uncle Mike wanted to get his picture taken too with the horses!
Daddy, Sarah, and Uncle Mike
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Sarah goes to School!
Looking for Babi
Gator Day!
This is a picture of a few of the players from the Women's Basketball Team.
We had a lot of fun that day. Thanks to Yia Yia for coming to Gainesville to babysit. Sarah enjoyed your visit. See you soon Yia Yia! Go Gators!